NJ Woodland Stewards Program

2024 Program Materials
Welcome to the NJ Woodland Stewards Program page! This page is for registrants in the 2024 NJ Woodland Stewards Program only. We are glad that you have chosen to join us for this 3-1/2 day immersive experience. This page contains mandatory forms, important information and educational materials.
Please note that steps (1), (2), (3) and (4) are mandatory in order for you to attend the program. Please complete steps 1-4 ASAP and no later than Thursday, 9/5/24. Step 5 contains links to educational videos and materials that you should review before arriving at the program site. We have found that watching these videos helps participants feel better prepared for and more engaged in the presentations and field work.
IMPORTANT: ASAP and no later than Thursday 9/5/24, please complete the following four (4) simple steps: (1) fill out the online Waiver form that is required by the camp; (2) print, read, sign and email the Acknowledgement, Agreement, Release and Waiver form that is required by the program; (3) complete the online participant survey form; and (4) review carefully the Policies and Procedures for YMCA Camp Linwood MacDonald (includes some “what to bring” information).
Step 1: Please click on the following link, and complete the form on line.
Camp Linwood MacDonald Mandatory Waiver
Step 2: Please click on the following link, print, read, date and sign the document and return a pic or scan by email to: njforestry@gmail.com
Acknowledgement, Release and Waiver for 2024 NJWS Program
Step 3: Please fill out the online participant survey:
NJWS Program Participant Survey
Step 4: Please review the following Camp Policies and Procedures. Please note that these also include information on what to bring, etc.:
Policies Procedures for Participants
Step 5c: Tree ID Basics and Tree ID Worksheet. You can review the Tree ID Basics document HERE. You can obtain the Tree ID Worksheet HERE.
View the NJ Woodland Stewards program agenda HERE.