Spotlight on Events
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Saturday, March 15, 2025, Rutgers University, Cook Student Center, 59 Biel Road, New Brunswick, NJ
Yes, it is the NJFA’s 50th Annual Meeting! Click here to register today!
(Want to register by mail? Click HERE to download a mail-in form)
Just Announced: This meeting qualifies for three (3) NJ Urban and Community Forestry CEUs.
Just Announced: The morning session of this meeting qualifies for two-and-one-half (2.5) NJ Board of Tree Experts CEUs.
Just Announced: NJ Secretary of Agriculture, Edward D. Wengryn will attend this event.
A not-to-miss keynote address: To mark this milestone, we are privileged to have Dr. Kier Klepzig from the Jones Center at Ichauway in southwest Georgia as our keynote speaker. Dr. Klepzig is the Director and Scientist in Entomology for the Jones Center, where he directs its conservation, research and educational programs and helps steward its nearly 30,000 acres of woods, water, and wildlife through the application of ecological forestry. The Jones Center provides a unique combination of place, people, and processes to better understand, demonstrate, and promote effective management of natural resources through research, conservation, and education.
Some of the topics we will cover:
- Intentional (prescribed) fire as part of good stewardship
- Adapting restoration work to the local social, cultural, economic and ecological values
- The costs and benefits of ‘holistic’ resource management
- Informing and educating legislators and rulemakers to support science-based stewardship
- NJ Forest Update
- Wildfire Risk in NJ
- Programs for Forest Landowners
- Legislative and Regulatory Developments and Concerns
We will hear from our partners at the NJ Forest Service, NJ Forest Fire Service, Rutgers University, Natural Resources Conservation Service, NJ Fish & Wildlife, US Forest Service, US Fish & Wildlife, Stockton University, NJ Audubon, The Nature Conservancy, NJ Outdoor Alliance, NJ Wildlife Society, and others.
Our legislative and regulatory update will deliver critical information on bills and regulations pending in Trenton. Some of these impact farmland assessment, required income and related taxes; conservation easements; constitutional amendments; and woodland management. We will also cover forestry activities in the news, the impacts of a very dry fire season in 2024, recognition of exemplary forest projects, and our activities and collaboration efforts on behalf of the forests and forest landowners of NJ. If you own or manage woodlands in New Jersey, you need to attend this meeting.
We will also conduct our annual business meeting, including a report on the NJFA’s 2024 accomplishments, plans for the current year, and election of directors.
Why you need to attend this meeting:
- You care about New Jersey’s forests and their long-term health, resiliency, and sustainability.
- You own woodlands in New Jersey, and want to get up-to-date information on successful, science-based forest management techniques, forest issues and threats, wildfire risk, prevention and response, pending legislation/regulation, farmland assessment, and other matters affecting your property.
- You want to network and exchange experiences with fellow-landowners, agency and organization representatives, and the NJFA team.
- You work as a forest professional, agency representative, tax assessor, conservation organization affiliate, tree care industry professional, or are connected to forests, forestry and stewardship in your employment.
- You need NJ Urban and Community Forestry and/or NJ Board of Tree Experts CEUs.
Click HERE for the preliminary agenda.
We hope to see you on March 15th!
Important Information:
Advance registration is required. Register today to reserve your seat at the NJFA’s 50th Annual Meeting and Forest Program.
2025 NJFA Members are eligible to attend this meeting at a discounted ticket price. If you are not a 2025 member of the NJFA, or have not yet renewed your NJFA membership for 2025, you can join/renew your membership along with your registration.
Seating is limited, so registering early is suggested. Registration fee includes full program plus a continental breakfast and luncheon.
2025 NJFA Membership Renewal/Join – Now Open
PLEASE Click HERE to Renew or Join
Thank you for your support!

Register now for the Next Backyard Forestry On-Line Webinar!
Thursday, February 20th (7:00PM – 8:30PM)
“NJ Forest Service Nursery: Preparing for the Spring Planting Season“

The NJ Forest Service Nursery (Jackson, New Jersey) produces thousands of seedlings in a range of species for purchase by the public. In this Backyard Forestry experience, we will hear from Courtney Willitts, Supervising Forester – NJ Forest Service, who oversees the NJ Forest Service Nursery and the Forest Resource Education Center. We will learn about the NJ Forest Service Nursery, its history, current operations and plans. Seedling types, species, suitability and availability will be discussed. Ms. Willitts will also introduce us to the NJ Forest Resource Education Center and its programs. This webinar is intended for a broad range of attendees, including forest and farm landowners, master gardeners, urban and community forestry participants, woodland stewards, those interested in afforestation and reforestation, and anyone who cares about planting trees and the future of forests in New Jersey.
To Register for this webinar, click HERE
You can enter a question when you register or ask a question during the webinar in the chat. If you have been enjoying our Backyard Forestry Webinars, now is the time to support the NJFA for 2025. To join or donate to the NJFA today, click HERE.
“Backyard Forestry in 90 Minutes” (BYF) is a free educational program series sponsored by the New Jersey Forestry Association, the New Jersey Forest Service, and Rutgers Cooperative Extension. The program, now online, takes place on the THIRD Thursday of every month from 7:00 pm to 8:30 pm.

Join or renew your NJFA membership for 2025 online by clicking HERE (if you prefer to join/renew by mail, you can find a link to the form below). Your being a member is essential in our work.
As we enter our 50th year, the NJFA is the leading resource for New Jersey’s forests and forest landowners. We advocate for all forests in our state by supporting responsible, sustainable use and science-based forest management, benefiting the forest ecosystem and all dependent communities. The NJFA is the only statewide organization that supports the interests of New Jersey’s forests and forest landowners.
We track, comment and report on legislation, regulations, actions and emerging matters affecting forests and forest ownership, stewardship, forest management, invasive species, insects and diseases, carbon sequestration and storage, farmland assessment, taxation, land use, hunting, recreation and outdoor activities, estate and legacy planning, preservation, and conservation, participate on advisory committees, conduct a broad range of outreach and educational programs, and actively work on behalf of private woodland owners.
The NJFA offers monthly online webinars, video libraries, training, meetings, field tours and newsletters. We collaborate with state and federal agencies, legislators, educational institutions, scientific authorities, conservation organizations, landowner organizations, outdoor and sporting groups, and forest professionals. We partner with other organizations such as the NJ State Forest Service, USDA/NRCS, SAF, Tree Farm, Rutgers, and other institutions, to bring programs and information to our membership and others interested in the future of New Jersey’s forests.
Prefer to renew/join by mail?
Click HERE for a printable form.