Spotlight on Events

(Scroll down for newsworthy items and legislative/regulatory highlights)

The Event was Sold Out – Every Seat was Filled

  We thank our sponsors, donors, members, agency officials, scientific advisors, collaborating organizations, special guests, volunteers, presenters and event committee for making this event a success.  Our keynote address was delivered by Dr. Kier Klepzig from the 30,000-acre Jones Center at Ichauway.

John Parke received the NJFA’s 2025 Sal Vuocolo Award, which recognizes Passionate Devotion, Dedication and Contribution to the Enhancement and Sustainability of New Jersey’s Forests.  Congratulations John!

2025 NJFA Membership Renewal/Join – Now Open

If you have not yet joined/renewed your membership for 2025, please do so right away. 

Thank you for your support!

PLEASE Click HERE to Renew or Join.

Watch for announcements for the Next Backyard Forestry On-Line Webinar! 

We thank Dr. Brian Donahue for his amazing presentation on March 20, using the example of building a timber-frame house from a woodlot on a Massachusetts farm (his own) to discuss how wood is sourced, produced and consumed in America, and how we might rebuild a closer, more sustainable connection to local and regional forests.

A video of this presentation will be posted on our YouTube page in April.


Dr. Donahue’s Book

When you register for one of our Backyard Forestry webinars, you can enter a question when you register or ask a question during the webinar in the chat.  If you have been enjoying our Backyard Forestry Webinars, now is the time to support the NJFA for 2025.  To join or donate to the NJFA today, click HERE.

“Backyard Forestry in 90 Minutes” (BYF) is a free educational program series sponsored by the New Jersey Forestry Association, the New Jersey Forest Service, and Rutgers Cooperative Extension. The program, now online, takes place on the THIRD Thursday of every month from 7:00 pm to 8:30 pm.


Join or renew your NJFA membership for 2025 online by clicking HERE (if you prefer to join/renew by mail, you can find a link to the form below).  Your being a member is essential in our work. 

As we enter our 50th year, the NJFA is the leading resource for New Jersey’s forests and forest landowners.  We advocate for all forests in our state by supporting responsible, sustainable use and science-based forest management, benefiting the forest ecosystem and all dependent communities.  The NJFA is the only statewide organization that supports the interests of New Jersey’s forests and forest landowners. 

We track, comment and report on legislation, regulations, actions and emerging matters affecting forests and forest ownership, stewardship, forest management, invasive species, insects and diseases, carbon sequestration and storage, farmland assessment, taxation, land use, hunting, recreation and outdoor activities, estate and legacy planning, preservation, and conservation, participate on advisory committees, conduct a broad range of outreach and educational programs, and actively work on behalf of private woodland owners.

The NJFA offers monthly online webinars, video libraries, training, meetings, field tours and newsletters. We collaborate with state and federal agencies, legislators, educational institutions, scientific authorities, conservation organizations, landowner organizations, outdoor and sporting groups, and forest professionals. We partner with other organizations such as the NJ State Forest Service, USDA/NRCS, SAF, Tree Farm, Rutgers, and other institutions, to bring programs and information to our membership and others interested in the future of New Jersey’s forests.

Prefer to renew/join by mail? Click HERE for a printable form.

New Jersey Forestry Association, Inc.

A non-profit tax-exempt organization under IRS 501(c)(3)

The NJFA is the essential advocate for woodland owners, conservationists and others interested in maintaining New Jersey’s forests.  If you value New Jersey’s forests – whether or not you are a landowner – and want to support our efforts, we welcome you to join the NJFA, participate in our activities and programs or donate (or all three!).

Founded in 1975, the NJFA is the only statewide organization supporting the sustainability and resiliency of NJ’s public and private forests through forestry education, and science-based forest management.  The NJFA hosts several programs, including Backyard Forestry in 90 Minutes, Walk-in-the-Woods, Tree Planting, and NJ Woodland Stewards; tracks, monitors, and provides input on legislation and rulemaking affecting NJ’s forests and woodland owners; produces member newsletters; collaborates with conservation and outdoor organizations, governmental units, and educational institutions; and hosts an annual meeting.  The NJFA is the go-to resource for legislators, agencies and other non-profits seeking comments on legislation and activities affecting NJ’s forests, and works jointly with public and private conservation groups.  The NJFA is, through legislation and rulemaking, named to several committees involved in forestry, stewardship and taxation, and served as one of the four co-chairs of the NJ Forest Task Force.   The NJFA’s volunteer board, officers and committee members include forest landowners, forest professionals, educators and scientists.

©2025 New Jersey Forestry Association, Inc.

Why join the NJFA?

Because you care about the future of NJ’s forests and:

  • Support forest conservation and stewardship
  • Believe in resilient and sustainable forests
  • Recognize the value of science-based forest management
  • Own or manage forestland or farmland
  • Have an approved woodland management or forest stewardship plan
  • Participate or are interested in farmland assessment
  • Support urban and community forestry
  • Are concerned about private property rights
  • Care about water supply and clean air
  • Use forests for recreation and other activities
  • Are concerned about climate change
  • Want to understand the mechanisms of carbon sequestration and storage
  • Acknowledge society’s dependence on forest products
  • Appreciate wildlife and fostering habitats
  • Need information on legislation/rulemaking affecting forests
  • Are concerned about forest diseases and invasive species
  • Want access to useful forest educational programs
  • Are impacted by deer overpopulation
  • Worry about wildfires and increasing storm severity
  • Recognize that forests fill many social and environmental purposes
  • Value the broad range of activities that forests support
  • Appreciate the uniqueness of each forest
  • Work in forest management, arboriculture or environmental education
  • Work in taxation or in other regulatory or environmental functions
  • Are a member or employee of other conservation organizations
  • Want to preserve a forest legacy

or simply

  • Love forests and all they provide to our society and environment

JOIN TODAY by clicking HERE.



– The NJFA commented on S699 (establishes a program in SADC for acquisition of development easements on privately-owned woodlands).

Read Bill S699 HERE.

– The NJFA commented on S1029 (Invasive Species Management Act).

Read Bill S1029 HERE.

– The NJFA commented on the NJ REAL (Resilient Environments and Landscapes) Rules.

Read the proposed rules and get more information HERE.

– The NJFA was one of the four co-chairs of the NJ Forest Task Force.  Read the Final Report of the New Jersey Forest Task Force HERE.

– Click on the graphic below to listen to NJFA Comments at the October 19, 2023 Highlands Council meeting.  Comments begin at 49 minutes into the meeting.

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Get in touch

Phone 908-832-2400
Fax 908-832-2400
Address PO Box 367
Flemington, NJ 08822

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